How does The Mid-Life Makeover Method™ support you?

Within this course, you’ll put systems in place that will lead you to having everything you have decided you want. Whether it’s to be happier, healthier, wealthier or wiser, you’ll have access to the tools to guide you with a new level of confidence in your ability to handle anything while maintaining your new boundaries and habits.

Over the next 12 weeks, you will:

  • Build unwavering confidence

  • Learn to live on your own terms

  • Get crystal clear about what you want

  • Find meaning and joy in every day life

  • Eliminate things that no longer serve you

  • Create a healthy life in every way

Register for The Mid-Life Makeover Method™

The Mid-Life Makeover Method™ at a Glance:

  • Weekly Coaching Sessions

    Accountability is key. 60 minute LIVE coaching sessions via Zoom each week with me, your coach & facilitator (12 week duration). I will guide you through the steps utilizing a variety of methods, including journaling prompts, coaching and more.

  • Video Lessons

    The Mid-Life Makeover Method™ consists of 6 modules PLUS 11 bonus modules accompanied with videos to guide you step-by-step through each module.

  • Workbooks

    Each Lesson is accompanied by workbooks to provide you with prompts & tools, help you process each module, and track your progress.

  • Private Community

    An interactive, online community with opportunities to share successes and ask questions. We will share resources and experiences, celebrate wins, make new friends, and support one another.

  • All Access Pass

    When you join, you get access to everything! Plenty of support to get you started with making changes, being better, starting fresh or moving forward.

  • Lifetime Pass

    Access to The Mid-Life Makeover Method™ Online Course for life! You can revisit any of the content, steps whenever you need guidance.

Create the Life You Want

Creating the life you want is the key to happiness. I will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and skill sets so you can know how to live with purpose and passion, overcome your fears and be courageous every day.
What life do you want to be living?

What's Inside The Mid-Life Makeover Method™

    1. 👋 Start Here: Welcome to The Mid-Life Makeover Method™

    2. 📩 A Message From Cindy

    3. 🤝 Community Overview

    4. 🖥 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions with Cindy

    5. 📚 Content Overview

    6. 🙋 Customer Service Questions

    1. Introduction: What is Waking Up?

    2. 📔 Workbook: Waking Up

    3. 📽 Lesson: Waking Up

    4. 🎉 Milestone #1 Celebration!

    1. Introduction: What is Getting Crystal Clear?

    2. 📔 Workbook: Getting Crystal Clear

    3. 📽 Lesson: Getting Crystal Clear

    4. 🎉 Milestone #2 Celebration!

    1. Introduction: What is Eliminating Energy Drainers?

    2. 📔 Workbook: Eliminating Energy Drainers

    3. 📽 Lesson: Eliminating Energy Drainers

    4. 🎉 Milestone #3 Celebration!

    1. Introduction: What is Mastering Your Mindset?

    2. 📔 Workbook: Mastering Your Mindset

    3. 📽 Lesson: Mastering Your Mindset

    4. 🎉 Milestone #4 Celebration!

    1. Introduction: What is Developing Success Habits?

    2. 📔 Workbook: Developing Success Habits

    3. 📽 Lesson: Developing Success Habits

    4. 🎉 Milestone #5 Celebration!

Course Content

  • 65 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content

Ready For Change?

Register for The Mid-Life Makeover Method™

Meet Your Life Makeover Coach

Dedicated to helping you achieve your personal makeover...from the inside out.

Cindy D. Whitmer

Certified Success Coach • Certified Passion Test Facilitator • Best Selling Author

For over 35 years I have been working with people to create the personal and professional lives they truly desire. My experiences, extensive training, belief in constant & never-ending improvement, along with deep passion for leading people to their definition of success, all come together so I can confidently coach, teach, counsel, and lead you in achieving your goals. I am 100% committed to inspiring, guiding, & supporting you as you create your own definition of success & happiness. I will give you all of the mind sets, skill sets, success strategies, support, and accountability that I have built in my tool box for over 35 years while partnering with people to create the personal & professional lives they truly desire.